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Environment Fireplace 1.png

A fireplace is a fixed object that emits light and provides the Very Comfortable effect, and also clears the Wet effect. A fireplace can be turned off by pressing the floating icon above it, and can be toggled back on again the same way. It can also be used for brewing tea with your tea skill.

A fireplace does not function when it is raining. Using the Create Wind Shelter skill above the fireplace will allow you to light it in the rain.

All Nomad's Rests have fireplaces, but not all fireplaces are Nomad's Rests.



The Assemble Fireplace skill allows players to create their own temporary fireplaces anywhere in the world. When attempting to put out the fireplace while people are nearby, a message appears:

There are still people enjoying the fire. Putting it out would be rude
