You may not understand me, for my accent is heavy and my words are unclear
An NPC who is stands next to a cave in the cliffs of Mistkeeper's Toe
Lonekki, known as the Armoured Foreigner before interaction, is a Malku Su NPC who appears in Mistkeeper's Toe. They explain some of Malku Su Beliefs. They are stationed above the waterfall near the Eastern exit to the Western Trade Route. This NPC is available any time on any day. Lonekki wears layers of marble, cobalt, and cinnabar with a sulpher rope belt. At night they hold a lantern. They are friendly to the player. The cave behind Lonekki has a fireplace.
- Mist Keeper's Toe on a cliff above the waterfall.
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You can complete one branch of the Deliver the Mail quest with this NPC.
Dialogue | |
If you speak to Lonekki the first time | You have found my hespor. I stand here and watch the passers below. You may not understand me for my accent is heavy and my words are unclear. I travelled here across the aol not many seasons ago. Even if I have not been here before, I am not a complete stranger. You do not understand me? Asken are as veskat, there are more, then there are fewer, and then there are more once again. The Malku cannot grow more or less than a number. The Oracle knows it so. When we die we do not pass into the winds as the seeds of fidek do. Our true selves become once more as we were.
Once long ago, I was here on this shore. I was a warrior and I died in kem by Ashken oka. We do not hold grudges, i believe it to have been a fair fight. I came here to learn of my true self and their foes. I hope I do not bring offense when I say that the Asken I have seen thus far have not seemed like warriors of the past days. I find this curious. So I watch. I watch to understand. |
If you speak to Lonekki the second time | You are of the fidek, are you not? What was the word in Vellan ... Dandellionn? [sic] I am still unsure of what that means. We think of fidekas as fickle flowers. Are you fickle? Or is there another meaning to the flowers that better says who you are? Did you chose to be fidek? Or did you become it by your own elections? I suppose I would get different answers depending on the flower I asked. |
Dialogue | |
If you complete Lonekki's branch of the Deliver the Mail quest | Lon! I have been waiting for another envelope to come. I have been talking with a group who are very learned of the foes of my past. They are always very eager to share what they know. I am un-sad to norrin them again. |
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