- Diama in Kuro Orchard
- Ramnd Baht Siram occasionally in Siram Fields
- Retired Adventurer at Crossings' Market during the day
- Shopkeeper Rihan in Crossings
- Shopkeeper Vers in Myr
- Thrifty Shop Keep in Bat Saha
When using this ability, the player character will crouch down and create a fireplace. Being near this fire will remove the Wet status effect.
Moving within range of the fireplace will spawn the text "You feel the warmth of a nearby fire".
Moving out of range will spawn the text "The warmth has dimmed".
An icon will appear above the fireplace, allowing the player character to stamp on the ground and put it out. The extinguished fireplace can be lit again.
Learning from these teachings will enable the student to strike a fire, using whatever debris that happens to lie around to make a campfire.
You know how to make a blazing campfire using materials from your immediate surroundings.
Very comfortable. You have found a perfect spot to recover.
Assemble Fireplace is among the possible starter skills that may be generated during Character Creation for Eastern Wind forms.