Little Slip - East

Hey, Traveller...Did you know that there were Bandits and smugglers here before? Sometimes there are pirates here too...
Located at the mouth of Slip lake on the Crying Coast, Crescent Link provides a connection between Little Slip and West Wind Shores. To the south, there is a campsite that tends to attract teenagers in search of hidden treasures. At times, it also serves as a temporary refuge for notorious bandit groups.
Little Slip - East
NPCs that are permanent or recurring only on this map
NPCs that do not appear all the time and show up in other areas
NPCs that only appear in groups
Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.
Crescent Link is the home for the Tabac Toe Gang, known to be notorious and hostile to passersby travelers. However it has been increasingly political to take down the gang as they have been seen to help fend of the Pirates that come close to the West. It is often heard of the bloodshed between the battle of the gang and pirates at this shore, and it has been getting increasingly brutal.
The Tabac Toe Gang is said to recruit only the cruellest villians. Or was it that only the cruellest members survive for long. No matter, the results is much the same.