Rainstone Gatherer

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At last! More rain!

The Rainstone Gatherer explains the importance of Rainstone.


The Rainstone Gatherer wanders throughout the Braided Shore.



When you speak to the Rainstone Gatherer for the first time. What I'm up to, Traveller? I'm prospecting for rainstones! I have studied long and hard on the gravel-strewn beaches of Point Bura. I can now recognize a rain stone at ten arms-length. My dedication is finally paying off!
When you speak to the Rainstone Gatherer for the second time. You could look for rain stones too. But I fear you would have to depend on dumb luck rather than a well-trained eye like I can! Rain stones are well loved for their rare beauty. They glitter like little falling stars in the rain. See if you can spot one next time it rains, Wanderer. Even the smallest ones have good trade value.