Master Kharimn

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Initially known as "Mystic Searcher", Master Kharimn is a Mystic and a Wind Voice that travels around Braided Shore. They are also to protect and aid their students in West Wind Shores if something were to happen.



Spawns during The NorthWest Halfwind Event


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When Master Kharimn appears in the Moon King's Well in The Jade Urn The water that the wall cry in this cave has unique properties...I sometimes come here to collect a couple of quarter weights of it...There is little point in stocking up more than that...The mystic properties of the water begin to fade as soon as you leave the cave...
Speak during The NorthWest Halfwind event the first time Watch out, Wanderer! I hope that halfWind monstrosity won't be able to pass my barrier... I am working on a spell to banish the half-Wind spawned construct, but with this kind of Wind-might, It will take hours! My powers lie in defence and protection, I have few destructive spells to my name. I must warn you against facing off the construct alone... Summon a group of confident adventurers if you aim to try and take it down by force.
Speak during The NorthWest Halfwind event the second time I'm still endeavouring to dispel the giant construct! That and keeping this barrier up to shield my apprentices is height of my simultaneous capacity I'm afraid!


Master Kharimn is a friend of the Concerned Lighthouse Keeper in Myr. Both men are interested in any lore on The Warding Light and The Sleeper. Both of these subjects seem to be related to the maintenance of the Myr Lighthouse and its role in combating evil located in the waters of the Verve.

Master Wind Voice Kharimn and some of his sworn-in fellows sometimes meet at the Teahouse to discuss the lore about the Sleeper and the lighthouse. It is imperative that we learn which of the many dark tales connecting The Warding Light and the threat it keeps at bay might be true...We need to learn what tales are in fact true, and what precautions should be taken should I fail to keep the lighthouse light burning...If you find any evidence to prove or disprove the dark legends of the lighthouse and what may be lurking below the surface of the Verve...Whatever lore you find on the subject of The Warding Light or The Sleeper, please bring it to me or Wind Master Kharimn.
