Concerned Lighthouse Keeper

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I'm told the Myr lighthouse keeper can't sleep without the sound of the sea in his ears.

The Concerned Lighthouse Keeper lives with his child who he is teaching to operate the lighthouse. The glass of the lighthouse beam is breaking and Elden pottery shards are needed to restore it. He is aligned with the Wind Voice.


The Concerned Lighthouse Keeper can be found in the door of the lighthouse day or night.


  • Myr by the Myr Lighthouse.



They do not prompt or initiate the quest/ dialogue due to certain events that disrupts their usual speech. These events are the Campaigning Mystic, Apprentice mystic and the House Pelgen Inventor

The Concerned Lighthouse Keeper is an important NPC in the Deliver Cobalt-glazed tile shards quest.


When you speak with the Concerned Lighthouse Keeper for the first time. Well met, stranger! I run this lighthouse and try to teach my daughter to do the same...In the night, the beacon must never be allowed to fail...Visiting shops and our own night-crabbers depend on our light, as does all sea vessels in a fog or a storm. Whatever lore you find on the subject of The Warding Light or The Sleeper, please bring it to me or Wind Master Karimn.
When you speak with the Concerned Lighthouse Keeper for the second time. Well met again, Wanderer! Most of the day I prepare for twilight...I worry that the light has begun to dim lately...I fear cracks in the reflector might be the cause...Most Myr folks don't know the old myths of the horror that sleeps in the deepest recesses below the Verve...Master Wind Voice Kharimn and some of his sworn-in fellows sometimes meet at the Teahouse to discuss the lore about the Sleeper and the lighthouse. It is imperative that we learn which of the many dark tales connecting The Warding Light and the threat it keeps at bay might be true...We need to learn what tales are in fact true, and what precautions should be taken should I fail to keep the lighthouse light burning...If you find any evidence to prove or disprove the dark legends of the lighthouse and what may be lurking below the surface of the Verve...Whatever lore you find on the subject of The Warding Light or The Sleeper, please bring it to me or Wind Master Kharimn
When you speak with the Concerned Lighthouse Keeper with the Battered and Bruised Status Effect Oh dear, what happened to you? Have you been to the Teahouse? I guess not. Mitna would never let you leave in the sorry state you are in. You can find the Teahouse lakeside to the South. Off you go, stranger!

If you complete their branch of the Cobalt shards between Light and Night With your aid, I feel we have bought ourselves a little more time before the light fails. If we only could find more of them...

Walk By Dialogue

If you have Cobalt-glazed tile shards in your inventory, the Concerned Lighthouse Keeper will react by saying:

Hey, that piece of pottery you have! May I take a look at that?


"Antique cobalt glazed tiles wanted! -Narak, Myr Lighthouse Keeper."

Vellan Message from Myr