Miserable Ghost

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Miserable Ghost.png

Winds' hear me, Ease my despair, Soothe my bitterness, don't banish my soul to the Barrens. Ease my despair, don't send my soul below the waves..., Sefra grant my wish...Water their crops, but not too much...Look after my grandchildren...

Miserable Ghost

Miserable Ghost is a Ghost and will not be visible or interactable to the player unless you have a means of Seeing the dead. They can be found in any graveyard irregularly at any time of day.

Miserable Ghost can sometimes be hard to see because they are often crouching by a grave although they sometimes also stand up. They have a long prayer that is evenly divided between a fervent desire not to be sent to unpleasant afterlives such as the Bitter Barrens or below the waves and for their descendants to have prosperous lives.
