Moon King's Well Sefras

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Moon King's Well Sefras New Look.png

The Moon King's Well Sefras are a rare group that occurs in the Moon King's Well. It consists of two Sefras, one can be interacted with and their sister who cannot be interacted with.


Sefra Dialogue

When you speak to the Sefra for the first time Hello, little walker! The water never fails to enchant us! Join us, walker! Don't be shy...We can see right through you, so forget any thoughts of concealing things from us...Come in and enjoy the water! Just look at the effect the water has on my dearest sister!
When you speak to the Sefra for the second time You should not come here when we're not taking our bath, walker...There are things that are drawn to this place...Dark things are on their minds or in their hearts...It can be hard for mortals to tell the two apart, I understand. But now let us all forget depressing things and enjoy the moment!

Walk By Dialogue

Tra la la...
Ha ha ha!
This is delightful...
How refreshing!

