Mitra's Fowl

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From all fowl come eggs unloved: most birds leave them willingly but others have them stolen. They say that stolen eggs leave a bad taste in the mouth, but how are you to know until the egg is eaten?

Unknown Bird Lover, Varsat's Horn[1]

Initially known as a Domesticated Fowl, this fowl can be seen in 3 locations at The West.



  • Mitra's Fowl will accept a Pet treat and give you a hint about the Magic Arrows' quests.

Peck, Nibble, Crunch

Psst... Don't tell Mitra I told you, but: The fastest running animal port is that of the Deer!


As it's name suggest, they are a pet of Old Mitra. They act as a checkpoint for anyone who took the challenge from The Magic Arrows. If you aren't part of it, they will not interact with you.

*Gives you an uninterested look.