Junior Apprentice Kephi

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Greetings, Khelim. What brings you all the way out here?

Junior Apprentice Kephi

Junior Apprentice Kephi appears by the Wind Foils during the day and inside the Windreaders' Hut during the night. She is introduced as "Novice Wind voice" before you speak to her. She is a merchant who periodically stocks rare quest items for a number of different quests.



When you speak to Junior Apprentice Kephi the first time Sefra's feathers! I almost took you for a Kettem! Me and Efan are out here on Wind Master Karimn's errand to study the mystic properties of the winds. But the thuds of the kettem-steps keeps us from our work and our sleep...I sure miss my warm and comparatively quiet apprentice cell back in Rivenleaf. If we could only find a way to rid the area of the kettems...To tell you the truth, I find the kettems a more fascinating study than the wind-foils. I am collecting all the facts about them I can. I think I have enough material in my notes to soon present an article on them. If I do well it could be my ticket out of here, Winds willing. Perhaps you'd be willing to find some bits of broken kettems to help my research. I would love to study them. I would be prepared to part with some items you might find useful on your journeys. What do you say?

If you have a Kettem Crux in your inventory You've managed to get hold of a Kettem crux, Wanderer! That Crux would be very valuable to my private research...If you trade it to me I will give you some nice things in exchange. I'll even reveal a secret to sweeten the deal. How about it?
If you trade the Kettem Crux to Kephi Thank you so much! Now, listen...There is a cave just East of here that is home to a dreadful mystery...You will probably need something I have to trade in order for you to fully investigate it...I believe that whoever overcomes the terror that haunts that cave will very well discover some very valuable treasure there.

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you have Fish compendium draft in your inventory Ah! It's you! I've met you before haven't I? So you're the Khelim that Sebastih befriended. Does that mean he finally finished the compendium? Truth be told I don't know much about fish myself but when I saw the glint in his eyes when we met the other day I was filled with a sense of joy. And I suspect you may have something to do with his renewed sense of self, Khelim. Hm? He mentioned something that I was holding on to for him? Ah! It can only mean his rod. He asked me to hold on to his Alsab rod for him when he left the university. He always looked a bit pained when he held it, but I don't think he had it in him to throw it away either.


Using Hagglers Wit

This wind voice has interest in Jewellery and Ancient Items

For Sale

She sells 11 goods at a time, 7 trade goods and 4 skills. Not all of these items appear at once and goes through a rotation.