Jute string

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ItemIcon EquipmentBelt BasicBelt 01 Medium.png

This is an essential piece for anyone to own.
Why you ask? Allow me to let you know!
Its simple design makes it well suited for any attire,
and the adjustable strap makes it a good fit for any buyer.
But its uses can easily be redesigned,
as they are only limited by its owner's creative mind.
It is a jump rope in the eyes of a playful child,
while its mother will use it to keep their hair tied.
A tool for traps is what a hunter will see,
and the mystic will use it to tie a knot on how to brew tea.
With this information you can make your own assessment.
But trust me, this is a sound investment.

Donya the Merchant



Jute string can be given to the Bitter Bridge Builder in Myr for a Knot of thankful wishes on Saturday and Sunday, when he requests ropes.