Journeyer Rope Maker

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Journeyer Rope Maker.png

Strings and cords traded! Buy my handmade ropes!

Journeyer Rope Maker


The Journeyer Rope Maker travels on the roads selling rope and other rope related ingredients.



Using Hagglers Wit

This merchant has great interest in Strings and Cords.

For Sale

They sell 8-9 equipment at a time.

Not all of these items appear at once and goes through a rotation.


The Journeyer Rope Maker offers an interesting counterpoint perspective on the Unions.

Well met, Khelim. How is life on the road? I wonder if it can be as hard as a crafter unwilling to play by the unions' rules? My parents brought me and my siblings up to be fiercely independent, and proud of it. I must confess to having a built in revulsion to adhering to other people's directives. It is a tough life and I'm trying to get by.I can see the sense of unionising and working in lock step with others...But I value my independence higher, so I guess I have to pay the price for that. If you want to support a non-unionized crafter, please donate any strings or cord to me, or buy some of the rope that I made.


Despite their dialogue, the Journeyer Rope Maker does not value string or cord particularly highly nor do they accept donations at this time.