Trinket Hoarder

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The Trinket Hoarder is an economics minded travelling character. Their inventory is large and is an idiosyncratic collection of small, badly made, inexpensive items and some rare and valuable items.


The Trinket Hoarder is commonly found on roads.



Using Hagglers Wit

You can't figure out what this merchant values.

For Sale

They sell 15 items at a time, usually the last 7 items being Gems and Shards.

Not all of these items appear at once and goes through a rotation.


Supply and demand is the driving force behind all travelling merchants.
Collectors makes terrible merchants.
True value is less easy to discern after The Twilight Bell has struck.
Barter to get local goods and offer goods from far away,
that is the road to profit.
A trade-wise merchant is valued as highly as his goods.
Boat King's tankard or Malku beads...
Trust only a talented merchant! Such as myself.
Sun sets fast and pockets empty,
you and I shall both have plenty
Fair winds blow,
on even trade.
Imports come and exports go,
the tides will always have it so
Gambling by evening, trading by dawn
winner or loser, I'll accept it all.
Wholesome commerce
makes friends of strangers
I will offer you happiness
inside and out!
Happy trade makes easy friends
barter well and fairly spend
Gifts for life and life for gifts
that's the easy life!
Any good exchange
benefits both parties.
Trading by night favours no party
but sometimes it is necessary.
Minimalists constantly undervalue things.
Items that cannot be made or grown in Braided Shore are highly valued.
A shopkeeper's nose is tuned to sniffing out ways to satisfy demand.
It always pays to advertise.
Knots may bind you, but trade will unravel your cares.
Trade items from foreign peoples tend to have high value, as they are not made or grown locally
Merchants tend to hold to their traditions, but a rare gem is a rare gem wherever you travel
A merchant must know every particular, else he cheats his customer or himself.
Early starts
lift trading hearts.
Merchants often wear West Wind amulets, but in our hearts, the South Wind rules.
Material quality and craftsmanship are the pillars of genuine value.

Walk By Dialogue

Good day! Sehm