Knot with long message

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ItemIcon TradeGood MessageKnot 45 Medium.png

Bodraan, the legendary Twilit Knight that vanquished the calamitous Frost Hag is an enigma.
We know that he met Issa Halzhaan before the Cobalt Eclipse descended on the Braided Shore, but the circumstances of their meeting is unknown. We know he had a sister who is rumoured to have contracted the Frost Hag's cursed touch but how this happened has not been discovered.
What's even more curious is that there is no official mention of Bodraan or his sister after the fall of the Frost Hag. One would assume that he would stay at Issa's side when she formed her empire but, alas, there is no mention of him being there. One would think that perhaps he lost his life in the battle against the Hag like so many others did, but no grave has ever been found. Such a hero would have undoubtedly been given a magnificent tomb, so where is it?

Geva Kha, historian.

