Geva Kha

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Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

Geva Kha.png

Geva Kha is an NPC who can be found in Kasa at any time of day.


Geva Kha is a historian with extensive knowledge of the Third Age, particularly the Old Dynasties, including the prominent Old Dynasty of Kasa. He arrived in Kasa just before the lockdown that interrupted his plans to deliver a lecture on this subject. Despite this setback, Geva has been diligently documenting the events of the lockdown, viewing it as a historical moment worthy of recording.


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When you meet Geva Kha for the first time Well that's interesting, a Khelim in Kasa...Such an event has not been reported since the end of the Third Age. An area of history I'm quite familiar with. My name is Geva, it is pleasure to meet you. I came here just before the lockdown. I was going to hold a lecture on the Old Dynasties but it seems the Winds had other plans for me. Alas I am not too distraught, I have been taking notes on the lockdown, notes another historian in another age might one day read. I will be sure to mention the wayward Khelim who blew into the city around the same time. Would you be interested in a lecture? I believe history should be shared to all, not just the learned. Do let me know and I shall give you a short introduction.
As the exploration era of the Third Age came to a peaceful close, settlements and homesteads had grown to become prosperous towns and cities. The largest of these towns became small kingdoms dotted around Braided Shore. Most of the kingdoms were lead and ruled by a single person each, these became the founders of the Old Dynasties. I would like to preface that the line between history and fiction has become muddled over the generations, especially when it comes to the Third Age. So it is best to keep a crumb of sceptcism in one's pocket when researching the legends of the Old Dynasties. There are many interesting Old Dynasties. Like the Habs of Rivenleaf or the Summer Foxes of Ovi Talif. However arguably the most famous of the dynasties was The Old Dynasty right here in Kasa. While we do not know their true name or their original founder, we do know that their first provable members were King Mathidas and his wife Thela Thenn. We believe the dynasty lasted three or four generations after Mathidas ending some time before the Cobalt Eclipse and the Lords' War thereafter. Two events where many of the Old Dynasties met their ends. When Issa Halzhaan founded a completely new ruling dynasty from the throne of Kasa, the third age had ended and with it most of the Old Dynasties. I could drone on for days on the subject but I must get back to my writing. I do hope I have managed to inspire some sliver of scholar's thirst in you. There is so much history that has yet to be decyphered, it is both exciting and heartbreaking. Maybe one day you might visit Rivenleaf? I would be delighted to talk further then if your curiosity has not yet dimmed.

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If you are wearing the Talzyre Khelim! I see that you are an appreciator of history as well. That is a replica of Talzyre, is it not? It could not be the real thing of course. Haha. A long and prestigious journey that cloak has. Survivor of legend and war. Weathering the shifting ages and the Cobalt Eclipse of the Frost hag herself. Talzyre, along with its sister Manzyre, were gifted by Queen Leathides to her children Prince Semmethep and Princess Sashinja. Prince Semmethep or Hestu Sem, or Sootmouth as he later became known carried the cloak for many of his legendary adventures. It is said that he later gifted it to his spouse Ar Hab who kept it at her birthplace of Rivenleaf. It lay in Rivenleaf castle for many generations until it was given to Issa Halzhaan as a peace offering when the Kingdom of Rivenleaf swore fealty to her during the Lords' War. From Issa it passed to her daughter Ilmana and from her into obscurity, I have heard some of my colleagues argue that it must have then passed to Ilmana's niece Sylla Halzhaan but I am doubtful. None of the depictions of Sylla show her wearing the cloak and no actual credible sources suggest that she ever came into possession of it. No, I believe that Talzyre was interred with Ilmana upon her death. Something now unconfirmable after the Halzhaan columbarium collapsed deep into the sewers...Sigh But maybe some day..
If you have equipped The Eye of the Taker By Manas's round bottom...Excuse my language but is that what I think it is? No...Surely not...Where did you come by that ring, Khelim? It looks like a genuine Gahem artifact! might just be the Eye of the Taker. I can scarcely believe it! For that ring to find its way back here to Kasa, the birthplace of King Mathidas. The Winds must surely be blowing at your back. It is said that its first master, its only true master was buried here in the city. But that was many ages ago and no one has been able to find a grave. I wonder if the Winds blew you to Kasa to get that ring here, or did they blow that ring into your hands so that you might seek out the city. Forgive me, I should stick to history and not prophesy.
If you have Shimo Baht Billows's disk Oh, Khelim. Is that one of those carved wooden disks I see? I have seen those in circulation but I would like to hazard a warning. I have studied the texts of most past and contemporary historians yet I have never seen the name Shimo Baht Billows anywhere except on these disks. I would treat them as dubious historical accounts at best, at worst they may even be twisting history to suit their own agenda.


See:Sturdy marble handstaff At the end of the Fourth Age, when the Unions rose up against the Boat King, anger and pain burned like a wildfire in the hearts of the people. There were those who wished to tear down the Halzhaan family tomb for good, destroying any remnant of the Boat King's ancestors. With hammer and fire they approached the final resting place of Issa, Ilmana and Sylla but were stopped by five elders guarding the tombs. The elders were unarmed apart from marble canes which they used to hold themselves up. Unwilling to hurt the elders, the mob relented and the tomb still stands to this day.

Without those brave elders, we would have lost much of the knowledge of those rulers which we know at the present.

See: Knot with long message Bodraan, the legendary Twilit Knight that vanquished the calamitous Frost Hag is an enigma.

We know that he met Issa Halzhaan before the Cobalt Eclipse descended on the Braided Shore but the circumstances of this is unknown. We know he had a sister who is rumoured to have contracted the Frost Hag's cursed touch but how this happened has not bee discovered.
What's even more curious is that there is no official mention of Bodraan or his sister after the fall of the Frost Hag. One would assume that he would stay at Issa's side when formed her empire but alas there is no mention of him being there. One would think that perhaps he lost his life in the battle against the Hag like so many others did but no grave has ever been found. Such a hero would have undoubtedly been given a magnificent tomb, so where is it?

See: Scout's leather pockets During the Lords' War where Scouts would run to deliver messages across wide distances. Their hidden pockets made sure that any message not stayed hidden and safe from the elements.
See: Pale leather armbands My grandma fought bandits as a hobby, she swore that of all her arms, her leather armband kept her living. It became a kind of talisman in which she carved a notch for every victory.
See: Stone from Humble Bridge After the first bridge was destroyed during the Lords' War, the bridge was reconstructed into a magnificent monument and named after the crown heir Ilmana Halzhaan. Nowadays all that remains of the grand Fourth Age construction are the bases of stone pillars on the Old Town shore and the great arch standing in the middle of the canal. The bridge was greatly damaged during the revolt and humble wooden planks have now replaced the stone and metal walkway.
During The Fifth Age, Arch Councilor Vikti Malour renamed it to Humble Bridge. This was officially done to better fit the bridge's new design but also in a not-so-subtle attempt to distance the monument from the long gone and controversial royal dynasty. The name change was met with some backlash and to this day there is a split among Kasa residents as to what to call the bridge.
See The Southern Theatre, Part One "I kneel here today, the field in which much praise has been sown, yet there is a forest of desert fruits now barren."
Those were alleged words of Riah Abba Rah when she was honoured with the Riah'xe by Issa Halzhaan, a Kasan honour only given to a select few across history in recognition for heroics seen as wind-given.
The tale of her achievement is tied to the events of the southern theatre during the Lords War . It is difficult to establish what truly took place but the tale as told by the Halzhaan family and the tale that was widely accepted during the fourth age goes as follows. During the cobalt eclipse, brave Sassa Omasarif of the Summer Foxes had embarked her army to combat the horrible evil of the frost hag to the north-east. However, at sea she was betrayed by her fleet admiral Ravkah who deliberately led the army transport ships along with the quenn to crash into what is now known as Point Omasarif. When Admiral Revkha returned she captured Sissa Emir of the Summer Foxes and crowned him as her puppet ruler.
The relationship between the nomadic tribes of the Talif desert and the settled people of Ovi Talif had always been strained but respectful. They were both descended from the original explorers of the Third Age but their cultures had diverged since and was now as foreign to each other as the Deeplanders are to New Foundrians.
Sometimes the settled Ovi Talifans would encroach upon the territories of the nomads and sometimes the nomads would raid trading caravans. During these times hostilities would brew. But other times they would trade with each other, even aid one another during droughts or famines.
Mostly they avoided one another. When Revkha took control of Ovi Talif she was determined to pool the desert into her own pockets and began a long and bloody subjugation of the nomads of the desert.