Straw wreath

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ItemIcon EquipmentOffhandLow Wreath 01 Medium.png

During the great famine of the Third Age, there was a farmer who lived alone in a hut. She would toil her fields each day and yet nothing would grow from the cracked, dry ground.
When the day was hottest, and the air the dryest, a stranger knocked on her door. The stranger was a beggar who asked the farmer for water. Even though she had little herself, the farmer shared the last of her tea with the beggar.
The beggar asked for food and the farmer shared the last barley from her pantry.
The beggar asked for refuge from the scorching sun and the farmer let the beggar stay in her hut.
Come next morning, the beggar was gone and a wreath of wheat hung from the farmers door. It is said that as long as the wreath hung on the farmers door, her fields never grew barren again.

Seirennis, wandering storyteller
