Hermit's simple sack

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ItemIcon EquipmentBackpack Sack 01 Medium.png

What's the point of telling any of you? I know you'll just think I'm making up excuses to shirk work. Fine. I was travelling across Obo's Blade Pass when I lost my footing and plummeted down the mountain. I hit my head on a plateau below and passed out. You can still see the bump on my head. I came to briefly as I was being dragged away. I couldn't get a good look at them, but they looked quite ragged, like a hermit. When I awoke, the skies had grown dark and the moon was out.

I was alone in a cave and someone had patched up my head. I searched around the cave but it looked like someone had left in a hurry. The only thing I found was a single golden trinket hiding in a dusty corner of the cave. It looked like a pendant in the shape of a crescent aflame.

No! Of course I didn't take it. I'm no thief.

A story recounted by an absentee Courier.

