Bag Shop Keeper

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Bags & Barrels! Casks and Carriers!

They manage their store day and night. As per their name, they are popular and known for selling Bags their fiance the Barrel Maker is also present in the outbuilding to the right of their store.


  • Found in the center area of Myr in the "Bags & Barrels" building west of the river bridge.


Using Hagglers Wit

This merchant wants Bread and Nails.

They sell 8-10 equipment at a time.

Not all of these items appear at once and goes through a rotation.


Bag Shop Keeper Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Bag Shop Keeper the first time Fair Winds, Wanderer! Can I interest you in a new backpack or an extra sack to carry things in? Might you be interested in a sturdy oak barrel or two?
When you speak to the Bag Shop Keeper the second time I make the barrels and my fiance makes the bags. They say it's rare that members of the Woodshaper's Union and the Crafter's Union can work this harmoniously together...

Well... We'll see how long the peace keeps when the time comes for our children to choose what Unions they'll belong to. Safe travels, Wanderer...

Barrel Maker

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Barrel Maker the first time *Nods at you* Speak to my fiance if you want to look at our wares, Wanderer.


A member of the Woodshaper's Union, they manage their store with their fiance - who is a member of the Crafter's Union. The Shop Keeper makes the barrels, and their fiance makes the bags.

Their shop imports raw materials from various traders in Crossings, and exports goods to nearby crafters - including the mill at Kuro Orchard, the Tea House in Myrt, and as far as Kasa.

Vellan Messages

Season's Imports:
Milomak's:10 Bales Sackcloth 12 Oak planks Milomak's: 2 Bales Coarse Cotton Sen Vaska 4 Ingots ferrite

Season's exports:24 Barrels: Kasa 6 Barrels: Myrt 11 Barrels: Crossings 2 Barrels:Voices Tavern 122 Sacks: Kuro Mill 64 Carrier bags: Barka House