Milomak Sister

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"It would be fun to make a weave of some truly exotic material."

Milomak Sister


The Milomak Sister stands in front of the mill during the day and in the pavilion to the right of the mill at night.



The Milomak Sister sells 6-8 items at a time.

For Sale


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Milomak Sister the first time Welcome to the Milomak Weavery! I'm responsible for the left to right shuttle work when we weave, my brother and I...We can make weaves to order if you bring us suitable materials...It would be fun to make a weave of some truly exotic material.
If you speak to her again Hello again! We can make a great variety of weaves...
If you have Battered and Bruised effect You seem to have had a rough time on the road, Khelim... You should go get yourself a hearty meal and a hot cup of Tea at the Teahouse...