- Card player's box
- Locked captain's case
- Scholar's supply box
- Sturdy freight box
- Ficus tree box
- Small chest of Omin pebbles
- Smooth gourd container
The Bitter Bridge Builder is attempting to build a new bridge in Myr. They need supplies for this, and grumble that the unions are not giving them the support they need.
The Bitter Bridge Builder is by their bridge at all times of day.
The Bitter Bridge Builder requests a rotating type of materials, rope, wood, or stone, depending on which day of the week it is.
The Bitter Bridge Builder will give you one Knot of thankful wishes for each material that they accept. They only give one knot per item, regardless of trade value, so the player may wish to only trade low-value items to them and save the more expensive ones.
The Bitter Bridge Builder accepts (among other items):
The builder accepts wood Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. (Time zone not yet certain; likely European.) This is not a complete list, just some examples.
Wooden jewelry, headgears, footwears, backpacks, belts
The builder accepts stone on Thursday and Friday. Again, this is a partial list. They don't accept:
The builder accepts rope on Saturday and Sunday. This list is not complete.
Hemp footwears and backpacks
Rods with knot
"Damn my lily-livered union representative for refusing to ask for support from the woodcrafters union! I'm going to need more wood if I'm EVER to finish this thing!"
If you speak to Bitter Bridge Builder while having the Battered and Bruised Status effect:
"Hurt are you? Hah! Tough luck! Now, if there had been a BRIDGE straight across here to the Teahouse, you'd be alright, right?. As it is, you'll have to wade your bruised butt across the water, probably getting some sump leeches stuck to your cheeks on the way!"
There is speculation that the bridge will be completed at some later update of the game, and then they won't be available as a source of Thankful Knots.