Truffle Hunter

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Over there, Pig...

Truffle Hunter

The Truffle Hunter wanders around looking for truffles.


The Truffle Hunter wanders throughout the more dangerous areas of the Braided Shore with his trusty truffle pig, named Pig.



Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak with the Truffle Hunter the first time Hello Traveller...I am Nibor, and the lovely girl by my side is Pig. Together we have the best noses in Braided Shore for sniffing out truffles. Truffles are the rarest and choicest of all fungi...It has properties, flavours and a fragrance that makes it cross the border between a delicacy and a magical Reagent. I wish you a happy continuation of your journey, Wanderer.
When you speak with the Truffle Hunter the second time Unfortunately we have no Truffles to trade at the moment. Pig does like to quality test our finds at times. And who am I to dissuade her? Smell anything, Traveller? Sneeze and you'll miss it.

Walk By Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Smell anything, Girl?
Over here, maybe?
Nothing? Let's try somewhere else!
Give that spot a sniff!