Knot weave diary fragment

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The Knot weave diary fragment is a series of knots that has different descriptions under the same name.
As of Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins, 2 different knots have been found.


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Day 34 -- I was curious to get past the guardian standing post by the gate... But what he told me about the 'Hesem' that infested the woods around the Voices' tavern sent shivers down my spine. Instead, I decided to travel South and explore the region named "The Burnings"... Possibly I'll detour to the city of Myr to buy supplies and send some of my diary notes home with a message falcon or a post warden...

Day 36 -- I've decided to take a day's rest. The nasty thickets to the East of the Burnings have proven too hostile for me to penetrate.

I've pitched my shelter by what a local shepherd called 'The Blasted Furnace'. The ripe cheese and wholesome rye bread I traded off the shepherd made a fine eve-meal.

As I doze off to sleep, I couldn't help but wonder what calamity once happened here to scar the ground so badly, that to this day, things appear reluctant to grow here...
