Master Iron Prospector

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Master Iron Prospector.png

Seek, Kifi!

The Master Iron Prospector is one of the only vendors of Master Iron in the game.


The Master Iron Prospector wanders around the railroad tracks both day and night with their dog, Kifi.



The Master Iron Prospector is one of the easiest solutions to fulfilling the Deliver a Master iron cog Quest


Using Hagglers Wit

This worker has a huge interest in the Carpet with master-iron wrapped thread.

For Sale

They sell usually 2 ~ 4 master iron items.

Not all of these items appear at once and goes through a rotation.


When you speak to the Master Iron Prospector the first time. Hello there. Me and Kifi here are prospecting for Master Iron. I have trained her since she was a pup. When she sniffs out a piece, she fixes it with her eyes and wags her tail.
When you speak to the Master Iron Prospector the second time. *Smiles at you* I have a few good pieces of Master Iron to trade... But be warned! I must charge a high price for them. They are worth a lot."

Walk By Dialogue
