Skald's Union

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I imagine the wandering Khelim has much in common with the members of our Union. Musicians, entertainers, poets one and all.

The Skald's Union is made up of musicians, vocalists, poets, artists, and entertainers that travel the length and breadth of the Braided Shore to provide amusement to all. They may often be found in Tea Houses, traveling in groups, or performing at the sides of major roadways.


The Skald's Union Retreat is a location in The Burnings where members of the Union go to seek out inspiration away from others, in the solitude of nature. Unfortunately, it's most prolific visitor is a Singing Chicken that puts most of the Vocalists and Poets to shame.




Is it true that the Skald's Union councillor has left Braided Shore by ship to avoid being heard by those coroners?

I wish Braided Shore to be filled with art and song so let it be known that I Ilmana Halzhaan officially endorse the founding of the Skald's Union. The age of war and fear has passed and the age of culture and peace has dawned.

The Skald's Union includes all the creative arts, from music to imagery in all their many forms.
