Skalds' Union Group

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Gleaner-AmazedEmote.png "Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."

This is a group from the Skald's Union. The Skalds' Union Agent leads the group and discusses the members that make up the Union, as well as the entertainment offered in Kasa.


  • Skalds' Union Agent
  • x2 Skalds' Union Member

Skalds' Union Agent Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to the Skalds' Union Agent Enjoying your journey, Wanderer? As an official of the Skald's Union, I get much opportunity to travel the roads of the land. There are few better opportunities to enetertain one's fellow as by the roadside campfire. I imagine the wandering Khelim has much in common with the members of our Union. Musicians, entertainers, poets one and all.
When you speak to the Skalds' Union Agent a second time It is a shame that Kasa is closed at the moment. Our Southern capital is the crowning glory of Braided Shore. It is the city of culture and commerce, and you'll find no better entertainment in theatre and performance anywhere else in the realm. Winds' music in your heart, Khelim.

Skalds' Union Member

The two Skalds' Union Members are known to have one of the following pieces of dialogue:

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Skalds' Union Member Oh, Twilight Bell, minor tone
to ear... Immense to hear!
Have you heard the latest word?
Someone found the secret chord!
Stars quiet the sky as a melody soothes the soul
Rain stone shine and flute play flutter, bleeze blow my spirit wild away.