Ilmana Halzhaan

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Truly a woman without equal in both character and ability to imbibe drinks. Not like her two bore brothers in the slightest.

Ilmana Halzhaan was the second Halzhaan monarch in The Age of Dynasty. Her predecessor was her mother Issa Halzhaan. Her successor was Sylla Halzhaan her niece. [1] Her consort was Nadir Edu. She died without issue.[2] She had two brothers [3], one named Hakkaid and one who might be Gel Halzhaan.

It is currently unknown how Ilmana's successor, Sylla Halzhaan, came to be named her heir. However, two items suggest a theory as to how Sylla Halzhaan became Ilmana's heir. Nago Liama appeared suddenly in Ilmana's court and became very intimate with her brother Hakkaid who had until then been devoted to his wife. Nago was said to have possess a forked tongue which gave him supernatural powers of charm. [4]

The carving on a Plain disk of sulphur wood depicts a historical event in which a woman wearing wilted branches in her hair passes a crown to a small girl with twigs in her hair with her two parents on either side. Another man stands between the woman and the girl overseeing the transfer of the crown and someone has scratched a snake's tongue onto the carving. Did Nago Liama arrange for the Halzhaan crown to pass to his lover's daughter? If Nago Liama did so, to what end and with result is unknown.

The Ghostly Skald implies that Ilmana was a fun-loving woman unlike her two staid brothers and a great patron of the Skalds Union.


She was the patron of the Skald's Union [5] Her favorite dessert was reputed to be rosehip soup. [6] A bridge once stood in Kasa which was named after her when she was the crown heir [7] but Humble Bridge now stands in its place.

From the Ghostly Skald's information, they imply that the Cellar passage into Kasa was originally Ilmana's so that she could attend Skald Union parties and still show up to court.