Ghostly Skald

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Ghostly Skald.png

Oh, how utterly droll.

The Ghostly Skald waits in a graveyard to the northeast of the Skald's Lodge.

Ghostly Skald is a Ghost and will not be visible or interactable to the player unless you have a means of Seeing the dead.



If you give the Ghostly Skald any type of cider and in return they will give you information about the history of the Skalds Union and a hint about one way to get to Kasa.


Take note, Khelim!
Spoiler frog.png This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak with the Ghostly Skald for the first time. You there! Are you a Khelim? And you can see me, can't you? How fiercely grand! My Grandpapa used to tell tales about your kind, not that I've ever seen one of you before now...Say, I don't suppose you know how to have fun? I've been stuck here for far too many cycles listening to the ever devolving attempts at poetry by the "Skalds" at the retreat. It Is Agony Being forced to reside at this place must surely be some Sefra's jest, suffered upon me for some sin unnamed. I beg of you Khelim. Bring me some social lubrication and we can have a conversation to shut out the inane dribbling of pus that the modern generation of Skalds call art.

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you bring the Ghostly Skald cider A hero you are indeed! It seems that sourpuss, Gel failed in his crusade. Oh sweet Omin nectar, how this brings me back...We used to throw such gatherings, me and my contemporaries. We called ourselves First Generation Skalds. It seemed appropriate for the founders of a Union! Spirits were high in our hearts and strong in our cups. We would meet at the retreat and an inspiration flow akin to magic would swirl around the air. A maelstrom of art and passion. Oh the poetry, the star-gazing, the art, the utter joy of it all. And the guest of honor was non other than Ilmana herself. Truly a woman without equal in both character and ability to imbibe drinks. Not like her two bore brothers in the slightest. She was the one who built the retreat for us and funded our craft. A patron that any artist would give their right hand for. It does break my heart to see the old retreat in such disrepair...Can those talentless rubes who live there now not even fix up the roof?! The tapestries are sure to mold!...You know, the only thing that I could never quite wrap my head around was how Ilmana managed to attend every single gathering that we threw while still ruling in Kasa. The city is quite a ways away after all. Hmmmm...But my cup seems to have become dangerously empty, my darling Khelim. Would you be a dear and check the old cellar of those talentless invertebrates that think themselves our equal. I am hoping that a pouch or two of Dragon Weed might yet remain. It should be around the back of the lodge unless my memories have failed me completely

Walk By Dialogue

Oh, how utterly dull.