Woodshapers' Union Official

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They are an official of the Woodshaper's Union, who was tasked to oversee the delivery of deepland timer to Kasa. Unfortunately they can't do so due to the Kasa's Incident, so in the meantime they are visiting their members. They also suggest you to visit the Deeplands if you ever got tired of seeing the coastlines.


Hello there! Have you come far? I am an official of the Woodshaper's Union originally tasked with overseeing a consignment of deepland timber to the Southern Capital. Unfortunately my business was blocked by the Kasa incident and the resulting embargo. As I have nothing to do but to wait and hope for Kasa to open I have made a point of visiting our member woodshapers down here in the Southwest. The Woodshaper's Union supports and protects the interests of carpenters, woodcutters and woodcarvers across the land. If you have woodwork need doing, don't hesitate to ask any of our members. They will be happy to aid you by deed or advise.

If you ever get wary of copses and salty coastline down here, you should travel Northeast to the Deeplands. There is beauty and life-lust in the primeval musty Darkwoods up there that can be found nowhere else, Khelim.