Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.
This page catalogues Rumors specifically about Kasa and the Kasa Incident quest.
Unlike other dialogue, rumors are not unique to a single NPC or set of NPCs and may be repeated by multiple random NPC characters primarily in the squares and teahouses of the three towns, Myr, Bat Saha, and Crossings. This distinguishes them from the reports of the Town Reporters or the custom poems of other NPCS which appear in italic. Selka Rumors, Malku Su Rumors, and Sah Basir Rumors NPCs also sometimes speak lore in italics that relates to their culture and these NPCs are identified by race.
City Life
Kasa is the city of culture and far sea export! Have you ever been?
Rumors has it that one of the noble houses run an illegal gambling house in Kasa
Current Leadership
Disbandment of Kasa Arch Council
Based on a comment from the News Heralds, this rumor seems supported.
Have you heard the latest news from Kasa? The Arch council has been disbanded!
Based on a comment from the News Heralds, this rumor seems supported.
They say councillor Tobruc of the Warden's Union has retired to Myrt now that the council has been disbanded.
Some say there is evidence that Learner's Union leader Ardabaskala might be involved in whatever caused the council to be disbanded.
I wonder what really happened in the Arch Council..? How could The New Foundry Council just disband them..?
I wonder what happens to the Arch Sefra, if the rumor is true that the Arch Council has been disbanded?
There is great unease in the South since the Arch Council in Kasa was disbanded.
Based on the Kasa Incident quest, this seems to be supported.
Someone said that the disbandment of the Arch Council in Kasa was due to some grievous crime. Is it true?
Some say the Arch Council has been disbanded, others say it has been suspended. How are we to know which one lies closest to the truth?
I heard it was the Kasa councilors themselves who voted making the New Foundry Council acting Arch Council until whatever happened in Kasa has been resolved.
Based on a comment in the Night Market this rumor appears to be supported.
Have you heard about Gulf Weed? The acting Arch Council recently forbade all trade in it...
Tensions with New Foundry Council
How can we be properly governed by the New Foundry Council? They have no Arch Sefra to counsel them in mystic affairs!
How do you feel about our affairs and trade values being moderated by the New Foundry Council? They don't know how things really are down here...
With the Kasa Arch Council, we could always depend on the Arch Sefra for advice...The New Foundry Council seems to care mostly for machines and heavy industry.
Next Council Election
Some say there is a group calling themselves the Halzhaanists that are vying to get one of their number into the next Kasa Council.
Did you know there is a mystic calling herself Magnifica, and that she has offered to solve the Kasa mystery if she gets a place in the next Kasa Council.
There is talk of a new vote to select the new members in the Kasa council, once whatever caused the fall of the old council has been resolved.
Someone told me several union members have already begun campaigning to be voted into the Kasa council once the mystery of what really happened there has come to light.
There is talk of bribery and power-play behind the scenes in many unions. They say a new vote is coming for representatives in the future Kasa Council. The prestige and privileges that come with securing such a post should not be made light of.
Have you heard that the New Foundry is now acting Arch Council, ruling over all of Braided Shore until a new Kasa council can be voted in?
Kasa Sewers
I heard the sewers in Kasa are ancient and that it goes so deep that there is a gate to the underworld at the bottom. Something could have come from there to torment the city?
Apparently the Kasa sewers have double guards outside its worker's entrance these days.
Some nature folk insists a Mare is responsible for the tragedy in Kasa. Tracks have been spotted in the woods around the city that perfectly matches a Mare's claws.
Someone reported glimpsing assassins climbing the roof of the council pavillion on the night before the troubles began in Kasa.
Have you heard what happened in Kasa? The council's pavilion stands empty for the first time since the overthrow of the Halzhaan Dynasty
I heard there was a murder in the council pavilion! I wonder if there is a councillor missing?
Apparently the crime lies behind the Arch Council's disbandment was so gruesome that the wardens refrain from passing any details to the public.
A dark star shone over Kasa the night the troubles there began.
Apparently there are Asken folk suspects behind whatever happened in Kasa. No foreigners appear to be involved.
I heard a rumor that all the Omin in Kasa went into hiding in Kasa when the incident took place.
Why won't anybody say what really happened in Kasa? It must be something big if our union leaders agree to hand over all our affairs to the Northern Council. What do the politicians in New Foundry know or care about our affairs in the South?
Are you aware of the myth that there is an ongoing spiritual battle between a Kasa Sefra and a New Foundry Sefra? Perhaps the New Foundry Sefra has finally won?
I find it hard to believe some crime is behind all the disturbances. Surely there must be something much bigger going on?
I'm hoping to get some actual facts about what happened in Kasa from the news heralds any day now.
Possibly a reference to the Living Door event
There was a ghostly door appearing in the woods south of Kasa at the time of the Incident. I wonder if the two events are somehow connected.
Have you heard the Circle of Voices that held a seance to reveal who was guilty of the Kasa crime? Apparently the answer was indecisive.
They call it the Kasa incident. I don't think many people actually know the nature of what really happened.
This rumor may refer to either talking wolves in the game, Strange Wolf or Wolf Form Adventurer
There are reports of a talking wolf roaming the woods. Some say it first appeared after the Kasa incident.
Can it be true, that the Double Shadow Gang is behind what happened in Kasa?
Missing Councillors
I've heard claims that Crafter's Union councilor Suktan has gone missing since the Kasa incident.
I heard there was a murder in the council pavilion! I wonder if there is a councillor missing?
Did you hear the latest from Kasa? That some of the Union councillors have gone missing?
Is it true that the Skald's Union councillor has left Braided Shore by ship to avoid being heard by those coroners?
Is it true that Woodshaper's Union representative Skarif has gone missing. Where do you think she could have disappeared to?
This rumor appears to be confirmed by one of the announcements of the Town Reporters: "The Council offers reward for any news regarding missing councilors!"
There is gossip about more than one council members going missing after Kasa incident. Does this mean it was a conspiracy?
They say Zekir, the Free Union's leader is nowhere to be found. Makes you think doesn't it?
Coroners' Investigation
Is it true what they say? That the Esoteric Union councilor Umbra is being interrogated by the coroners?
Is it true what they say? That the Esoteric Union councilor Grahma is being interrogated by the coroners?
Is it true that Elahandra, the Water Worker's Union councilor is held for questioning by those coroners?
Is it true that the Warden's Union councilor is held for questioning by those coroners?
They say that Water Worker's Union councilor is held for questioning by those coroners.
I was told that the Hand's Union leader, Zeki, is being held for questioning by the coroners regarding what happened in Kasa.
I heard that Merchant's Union councilor Valpoush is held for questioning by those coroners. I wonder if it is true?
The few people who snuck out of Kasa before the gates closed have all been interrogated by The Coroners.
Conditions in Kasa
The number of stray dogs and cats on the streets of Kasa suggest that this may not be true.
I've heard the food prices in Kasa have risen through the roof. Cats and dogs have begun to disappear.
I heard that some mysterious figure has appeared to unite all bandit gangs and that Kasa has closed itself off in fear of a bandit invasion.
Some say there is a contagious sickness running riot within Kasa's walls. The coroner story is just a smoke screen not to spread panic.
Some say music can be heard growing louder every night in Kasa as people try to cover the sound of weeping at night.
The supplies in Kasa are said to soon run out. What will happen then I wonder?
No NPC in Kasa appears unclothed.
I heard people in Kasa have begun trading their clothes for food. Many of them walk the streets naked!
Not even traders are let into Kasa. I've heard there is an improvised market outside the city gates, with people on the walls trading via ropes and buckets.
Chewing tobacco is getting popular in Kasa, did you know that?
In preparation for holding out without food imports, I've been told it is now forbidden for people to give birth to children in Kasa.
Rumors about Roadblocks
This rumor is confirmed by the Coroners' blockades in Siram Fields and several other maps.
Many roads dividing the land have got roadblocks set up, with armed wardens from New Foundry stopping anyone passing through in either direction.
I tried to take the Northern road, but only got as far as a roadblock. It's true, the way north is closed.
I've heard there are two coroners out there, sent from New Foundry to investigate the Kasa incident. Apparently they have areas of Braided Shore cordoned off to help them investigate isolated parts of the land.
This rumor is confirmed by the Coroners' blockades in Siram Fields and several other maps.
I've heard tell of roadblocks manned by special coroner wardens on all the roads to Kasa.
The ferry to New Foundry from Myr is not working, but this appears to be because of mechanical troubles, not a Coroners' cordon, this rumor cannot be confirmed.
Almost all of the ferry lines across the Verve have been disrupted by the coroners' cordons. Many places are now impossible to get to by boat.