Malku Su Rumors

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This page lists Rumors by generic Malku Su NPCs.

Unlike other dialogue, rumors are not unique to a single NPC or set of NPCs and may be repeated by multiple random NPC characters primarily in the squares and teahouses of the three towns, Myr, Bat Saha, and Crossings. Selka Rumors, Malku Su Rumors, and Sah Basir Rumors NPCs also sometimes speak lore in italics that relates to their culture and these NPCs are identified by race.

Malku Beliefs


Our funerary priests bury our unshamed fallen with a metal rod through the heart.
Lightning bears fallen Malku Su spirits who a lived worthy life to dreamlands of The One.
We are part lightning, Travller,
Do not bring down a storm.

The One

From the dreamlands, Malku couples who bring honour to The One may be gifted with the recalled spirit in the form of a child.
The One was once The Two. A great and terrible upheaval befell the Malku Su race when what was believed eternal proved not to be. Since that day, every Malku Su meditate on that historic revelation.
Honour The One. Eternal Oracle.

Malku Ethos

Personal honour, that is what is at stake every breath a Malku Su takes.
Nothing outweighs personal honour

Malku Homeland

To see the marble cliffs of Malku once more. I would like that
Malku Su are born into castes, not much unlike the unions of Braided shore.

Malku Military

The splendour of a Malku Su's war gauntlets is what marks out their martial rank.