Selka Rumors

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This page lists Rumors by generic Selka NPCs.

Unlike other dialogue, rumors are not unique to a single NPC or set of NPCs and may be repeated by multiple random NPC characters primarily in the squares and teahouses of the three towns, Myr, Bat Saha, and Crossings. Selka Rumors, Malku Su Rumors, and Sah Basir Rumors NPCs also sometimes speak lore in italics that relates to their culture and these NPCs are identified by race.

Selka History

We Selka were once was a servant race. But we escaped masters whips many generations ago

Selka Economy

We Selka mass produce items that follow the fashions of their intended buyers. We have no creative flair of our own.
The Hive's workshops produce a plethora of artefacts which it trades for raw materials.

Selka Society

How can Asken folk ever feel safe when they are such individualists?
Selka shuns being alone. We look for safety in numbers. This is wise.

The Hive Rumors

Selka society is controlled by The Hive, where hierarchy is strict and non negotiable.
We Selka are many and The Hive reaches to the sky.
To reach the pinnacle of the Hive that is the biggest accomplishment a Selka can win
This rumor seems confirmed by Fateng Leng in Package of singing herbs A Selka would never divulge the location of The Hive to a non Selka
This rumor seems confirmed by Fateng Leng in Package of singing herbs No Asken has ever set foot in the Selka Hive, It's whereabouts in a great secret

Selka Sex, Gender, and Family

We Selka are neither female or male but equal parts of both
Selka does not need coupling to produce offspring and they tend to live in presuo family groups of individuals of the same social rank sharing the same social goals