Rensad Ronz

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Ambitious Painter.png

Rensad Ronz is near the Skald Union's Retreat day or night.


The Burnings in the Skald Union's Retreat.


When you speak to Rensad Ronz the first time Hello, Wanderer! As you can see I am the famous painter Rensad Ronz! I am sure that you have deduced it already due to the clever and original way I sign my work before I start painting. When I begin a new piece I prefer to capture the negative spaces first...The nothingness. After that, it's just a matter of blotting in the rest of the subject in the small pieces of the canvas that remains.
When you speak to Rensad Ronz the second time Painting is ninety percent preparation and ten percent concentration...I am presently at the concentration stage on this piece, so I would be thankful if you left me in peace now, Wanderer...