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Where there's one Omin, there are a dozen!

This page concerns Omin as a larger category of spirits. For the interactable Omin (NPC) and the Omin Ring, see the appropriate page.

Omin are a range of small, non-threatening spirit critters that populate Braided Shore. They come in different forms, shapes and sizes, but as of Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins, the only 2 Omin we've seen are Rock Omin and Shrub Omin.

It is implied that other forms of omin include pebble omin, leaf omin, snakeskin omin, teapot omin, shoe omin, hat omin and glass omin.[1]


Omins roam around the Braided Shore, all except one Omin are not interactable and seem to be decoration of the Map as of Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins. They might have more significant in future updates.

You can always hear their sweet purrs or the clanking footsteps of the Rock Omins to know they are nearby. in fact it can be quite common as sometimes the behaviours of these Omins are to walk closely around your player character.

Omins also produce sounds of people muttering, but it is uncertain if its a bug or not.


Not much are known about the Omins and there are many rumors about them, but one thing is known is that they can be cheeky and some are also known to be able to speak.

Omin enjoy the sweet taste of honey but never seem to try to steal it from beehives themselves. So when an Asken Folk presents it to them willingly, they are delighted.
Omin may leave small simple gifts in return, almost mirroring the bartering of Braided Shore.

Tougher than its tender stalks convey, this chewy mushroom is rumoured to still be used to make a uniquely soft cloth weave by some weavers of the Deeplands. On rare occasion during the full moon, processions of omin have been spotted walking through the forests wearing marble-shade caps on their "heads". It is said that only the spirit naturalist Cavo Linhea knows the purpose of these rare omin rituals.

A headband decorated with a feast of omin illustrations. There are rock omin, pebble omin, leaf omin, snakeskin omin, teapot omin, shoe omin, hat omin. There's even what looks like an attempted drawing of a glass omin.
