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Tarek also Brash Adventurer is a Duelist.


When you speak to Tarek for the first time Who goes there? A fellow adventurer I see. You have the privilege of meeting me early in my story. I am Tarek the Great Adventurer, The Blade of the Shore and breaker of hearts all across this fair land of ours. You wish to see a demonstration of my great skill? Very well, friend. But do not say I did not warn you. Draw your weapon, wanderer, and face me in a duel!
When you speak to Tarek for the second time Well met again, wanderer! Have you come to cross blades with the mighty Blade of the Shore?
If you win duel Ow! I yield! You have bested me, wanderer.
If you speak again to Tarek after winning Ugh, maybe this whole “adventuring” thing was a bad idea after all. Maybe my father was right, I should just stay on the farm and stick to what I know instead of chasing hopeless dreams. Thank you, friend. Despite the injury to my head, I can finally think clearly. I will remain a farmer. Hello again, Khelim! Thank you again for proving that I am not cut out for adventuring. I daresay you saved me from a gruesome fate out on the road. I will leave the heroics to you, my friend. You are far more suited to it than I.