Hakham Sy

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Now walk away in silence about all of this...

Hakham Sy

Hakham Sy is a ghost who appears in Harrow Ledge across from their granddaughter Kalhna Sy.

Hakham Sy is a Ghost and will not be visible or interactable to the player unless you have a means of Seeing the dead.


Hakham Sy is a ghost who appears during the Cobalt Ribbon Gang Gathering only.



Hakham Sy appears only during the event.


When speaking to Hakham Sy for the first time Ah, you have conjured up the Sight, I see...What could one such as you want with Hakham Sy, once formidable leader of the Cobalt Ribbon Brotherhood...Well, if you must know...I'm watching over my granddaughter. So don't try any tricks to harm her with your daggers or your spells or you'll have me to answer to. Kalhna fought hard against the worst of odds to fight her way to the top of the Cobalt Ribbon Gang...Of course she does not know that I've taken quite an active part in the critical moments when she has defeated her opponents...She does not know that I exist...I always keep out of sight from her, though I don't mind putting the fear into her enemies...
When you speak to Hakham Sy a second time More words, Wanderer? I pray you don't reveal my existence to my daughter. You can see how she thrives on the confidence she gets when she strikes fear into her rivals. Some of it is my doing of course, but what she does not know will not harm her. There is only one thing that tarnishes my pride in my daughter. That is her unfortunate empathy that she feels towards people. The Sy family has always prided itself on being goal oriented and owning a total lack of empathy. It was how we could climb to the top of the Cobalt Ribbon Brotherhood in the first place. So you can see that even if she does not know it, she's going to need my help. Especially if she intends to one day go toe to toe with the Double Shadow!