The Elden Age

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The Ages of Braided Shore

The Pre Historic AgeThe Elden AgeThe Varhim AgeThe Age of SettlementThe Age of DynastyThe Fifth Age

Pioneers of Braided Shore

The Eldens were a civilization that called Braided Shore their home before the Asken folk arrived in The Age of Settlement. The Age bearing their name – the Elden Age – is the first Age and is seen as one of wonder[1].

Little is known about 'The Eldens'. The first known inhabitants of the Braided Shore region. A great and powerful civilization, they built the industrial machines and railways we are still trying to unravel the secrets of today. When the Eldens disappeared for unknown reasons, they left the machines in place, and many of the structures, such as The Wall, appears to be derived from this period. 'The Elden Age' is succeeded by the Varhim age[2].

The Eldens left an undeniable mark on the landscape and history of Braided Shore, yet the circumstances of their eventual disappearance remain unknown[3].

Elden Machinery

During the Elden Age, the eponymous civilization – the Eldens – built wondrous machinery all across what is now known as Braided Shore. Many of these structures have survived into the current Fifth Age. Industrial machines, railways, The Wall, and the Ehran Engine in New Foundry are all remnants of the Eldens[4].

Other strange and remarkable structures are sometimes ascribed to the Eldens, for example certain highly personalised sculptures that dot the landscape of Braided Shore, even though they differ considerably from other Elden construction. The arguments for those sculptures being Elden are mostly based on the fact that anything that old and still standing must be of Elden make, since the construction feats of the directly subsequent civilization – the Varhims – were of such poor quality that virtually nothing remains[5].

Unless active efforts have been made to restore them, only ruins remain of Elden structures and one cannot help but be in awe at the thought of how they must have looked in their prime[6].

Historical Remnants

  • The Underbelly appears to be an ancient factory from the Elden Age, designed for boiling liquids through ventilation shafts, possibly for power generation akin to steam power. The entire city was buried for unknown reasons, eventually transforming into a vast cave[7].
  • The Ehran Engine is an Elden machine that uses metal and produces cogs in different sizes, a vital component of the New Foundry industrial hub[8].
  • Back when New Foundry was still in its infancy as a city, the residents there discovered an ancient Elden train hall which they dubbed The Kiln[9].
  • Some sources speak of some kind of Elden monument that once stood in Myr but archaeological excavations have only found pottery shards in the area[10].
