History lesson knot weave

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The History lesson knot weave is a series of knots that has different descriptions under the same name.
As of Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins, 3 different knots has been found. Descriptions are below.


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Rulers of the Halzhaan age; First Monarch Issa Halzhaan, Monarch Ilmana Halzhaan II, Monarch Sylla Halzhaan III, Monarch Manas Halzhaan IV. (also known as The Boat King)

Little is known about 'The Eldens'. The first known inhabitants of the Braided Shore region. A great and powerful civilization, they built the industrial machines and railways we are still trying to unravel the secrets of today. When the Eldens disappeared for unknown reasons, they left the machines in place, and many of the structures, such as The Wall, appears to be derived from this period. 'The Elden Age' is succeeded by the Varhim age.

Preceded by the Elden Age, the Varhim Age saw another little known civilization occupy Braided Shore, many hundreds of seasons after the end of the Elden Age. The Varhim civilization left even less evidence of their nature than the Eldens and, though considerably younger, the Varhim legacy is only dilapidated ruins, even more crumbled than construction from the Elden Age. The Varhims appear to have used Elden machinery and infrastructure to some degree, but not to have been able to maintain them. The Varhim Age is succeeded by the Age of Settlement.