The Wall
The Wall, as it is known to Westerners of the Braided Shore, is known by The Deeplanders as The Veil. This construction is a giant ancient wall made during The Elden Age that separates Braided Shore from its eastern neighbour, a land known as The Unwound. [1] The only thing that flows out beyond the walls to Braided Shore are rare Fall Gems coming from the waterfall of the Fumes.[2]
Despite the solid construction and long duration of the Wall, it is slowly starting to degrade over time. Small fragments of Wall material have seeped into the soil surrounding it and if you transport this soil into your garden, strange things will grow in it. [3]
To the mass population, no one knows what lies beyond The Wall, but there has been conspiracy theories of it, believing great evils lies beyond.[4] There is even a cult that seems to worship the Wall.[5]
It is written that the Council knows of the truth, and has held a meeting to suggest if publicly letting the population know would be a reasonable act to do.[6]
A pinch of strange soil from the ground just below the Wall. Over the decades, pieces of the wall have crumbled down and mixed with the soil below. Mixing some Wall soil with your garden can have peculiar and unpredictable effects on the plants that grow there.
...and finally a close meeting relating to the risks versus the benefits of one day undeceiving the populace about the truth of The Wall...
Sefra keep me safe from the evils on the far side of the Wall!.
Little is known about 'The Eldens'. The first known inhabitants of the Braided Shore region. A great and powerful civilization, they built the industrial machines and railways we are still trying to unravel the secrets of today. When the Eldens disappeared for unknown reasons, they left the machines in place, and many of the structures, such as The Wall, appears to be derived from this period. 'The Elden Age' is succeeded by the Varhim age.
Hello, Khelim. Don't shout it out at the whole world...But I believe I've found a good place to sift for fall gems, right here! Do you know the lore of the fall gems, Khelim? They are found only in streams and water...They originate from beyond the Wall, and come to us through the great waterfall of Fumes. Fall gems fetch a hefty sum with traders, but I collect them for a much greater reason...You see, my son dreams himself away to a world beyond the Wall...My boy's sickly body, sadly does not allow him to play with the other children in the village...So he has made up a fantastic world inside his head that lies beyond the Wall...That is where he goes to play the exploring hero with his imaginary companions. My wish is to give him fall gems as tokens of proof that his dream world is real. I really hope I find some here. If not, I will try to find them somewhere else. I will never tire of searching. Farewell, Khelim.
I am Ramnd Baht Siram, who might you be? Much as I may, I shun the company of others... Heed my advice, Traveller; When THEY decide to come over the Wall to claim us... Your chances of survival will be better if you are alone. I can supply you with skills to that end, if you wish.
Even if we should fall. The Wall must not.
Today I have sat through three gruelling Council meetings, the first discussing our trade agreements with the Malku Su, the second about the suggested changes to the borders of influence and tax distribution between our Kasa and New Foundry Councils, and finally a close meeting relating to the risks versus the benefits of one day undeceiving the populace about the truth of The Wall. Throughout these undeniably important discussions, I could not keep my daydreams at bay... Just to be sitting by the creek behind our villa, and watch the leaves glide by my fishing float. Later the evening, when the time came, I soon caught a magnificent snapper. It made a fine eve meal for my entire household.
The Fumes River is thought by many to harbour mystical healing and empowering properties. Some believe that it carries magical energies from The Unwound beyond the wall, others believe that it's contact with The Wall itself that enchants its waters.
Pale marble ivy cling desperately to the harrowstone of The Wall, the bundles of ivy clumped together invites thoughts of a giant pale man trying fruitlessly to climb the ancient megastructure. The roots of the pale ivy do not run deep, as the climbing plant itself collects water and nutrients from its entire being.
Why these strange pale Ivy have all clustered at The Wall has stumped researchers for generations but eating the roots have shown no ill effects on the consumer and so the harvesting of these roots will continue.
Until the ivy runs out...
The Unwound, The Fell, Mistwaves. What lies beyond The Wall has many names given to it by various cultures, Asken, and foreign alike. The one thing that the different name givers appear to have in common is that non seem to know what exactly lies there. While numerous expeditions have been launched into The Unwound, few ever return. Those who do return are branded liars for their conflicting accounts and recollections.
One of the most famous expeditions was led by Minister Gel Halzhaan's son Seshtep in the fourth age where he, accompanied by a group of fifty adventurers, attempted to climb the monolithic structure and gaze beyond. When none of the fifty-one were ever heard from again, Minister Gel campaigned for further expeditions to be outlawed. While the law was reppealed at the beginning of the fifth age, few still chose to follow the clarion call from the unknown.
- The Curio newsletter, issue 5