Ramnd Baht Siram

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Gleaner-AmazedEmote.png "Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."
Ramnd Baht Siram.png

They are referred as the 'Hermit' prior to interaction.


Ramnd Baht Siram is a very rare NPC in Siram Fields.


  • Seen in Hov Nabasar, Northeast in Siram Fields
  • on the road by the connection to Obo's Blade Pass during the day.


Using Hagglers Wit

This hermit finds Raw Food in abundance and is interested in Animal food and Beverages.

For Sale


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you speak to Ramnd Baht Siram the first time I am Ramnd Baht Siram, who might you be? Much as I may, I shun the company of others... Heed my advice, Traveller; When THEY decide to come over The Wall to claim us... Your chances of survival will be better if you are alone. I can supply you with skills to that end, if you wish.
If you speak with him again I don't intend for our meetings to become a habit.


Ramnd is a lone hermit that decided to distance himself from society due to his belief that what lies beyond the Wall in the East will soon come to destroy Braided Shore, and you will have better chances of survival being alone.

