The Fifth Age

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The Ages of Braided Shore

The Pre Historic AgeThe Elden AgeThe Varhim AgeThe Age of SettlementThe Age of DynastyThe Fifth Age

Fifth Age

The Fifth Age is the current Age, and is seen as an Age of wisdom. What has marked the Fifth Age so far is the dissolution of the monarchy and the shift over to rule by labour unions and the two Councils.

See Category:Story to see key events that happens in this age.


There are two Councils – one operating out of New Foundry and, prior to the Kasa incident, one out of Kasa. Below the Councils in hierarchy are the twelve unions, which oversee affairs around Braided Shore[1].

  • In the New Foundry Council there are twelve members, where each council member is a representative from one of the twelve unions[2].
  • In the Kasa Council there are thirteen members – one representative from each of the twelve unions, and the Arch Sefra who leads the Council[3].

Groups, Organisations, and Families


  • Flowering Heath Cult
  • Kasyran Cult
  • Tirum Cult
  • Wall Cult


New Foundry:

Foundation Peak:

  • Subo Family


  • Droil Family


  • Cinnabar Salt Gang
  • Cobalt Ribbons
  • Cobalt Wolf Gang
  • Jade Foot Gang
  • Rustle Grass Gang
  • Soot Spike Gang
  • Umber Deer Gang


  • Amrusian Covenant
  • Asken Folk League
  • Hamsham
  • Horet Ham
  • Keepers of the Flame of Weld
  • Loyal Halzhaanists
  • Moonstone Order
  • Order of the Peacock
  • Pacivity
  • Path of the Plain Cloth
  • Shipguards
  • Smoke Runners


  • Frontiers Railway Company
  • Kasa New Shipping Company
  • Myrt Tea Cooperative
  • Town Guards


At the tying of these Knots it is now the 621th cycle of the Fifth age.

Ancestors bless me through knottings of your names. Old Dynasty of the Third Age bless me with courage. Halzhaan rulers of the Fourth Age bless me with strength. Councils of the Fifth Age bless me with wisdom.