House Pelgen

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Gleaner-AmazedEmote.png "Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."

House Pelgen is sometimes also referred to as House of Pelgen. The residence House Pelgen lies to the southeast of New Foundry. They value flexibility and change. Their colours are char and marble and their motto is “We Master Changes.” [1] The House Pelgen Inventor is working on a mechanical invention known as the Pedaloon. House Pelgen is widely known for their supply of Master Iron.

At least two Grand Barons of House Pelgen have met premature ends, Techel Pelgen at the hands of his twin sister and Kitos Pelgen whose poisoning by Blowfish led to the restriction of the delicious but dangerous food.


Fissa Pelgen

Fissa and Techel were twins born to the house Pelgen around the beginning of that fifth age. Unable to decide how to handle firstborn twins, their father elected to simply raising both of them as heirs and the rest of the Pelgen family waited with bated breath to see who would become their Baron or Baronessa.

Upon the death of their father, Techel rushed to assume the title while Fissa mysteriously vanished in the night. After many seasons of travelling, Fissa returned to the Pelgen estate to discover the appaling state that her brother had made of it as Baron and demanded a duel for the title as was her right. She presented a sword handle and claimed that she'd be able to beat her brother with only the handle as her weapon. Drunk on his own power, Techel accepted the duel without question and charged at his sister with his massive greatcrescent.

Fissa calmly closed her eyes and took a few slow and steady breaths. When Techel was just steps away, she breathed in one last time and held it. Immediately a long sharp rapier blade shot up from out of the handle and with a well placed thrust, was stuck straight through Techel's heart. Fissa slowly breathed out that the blade retracted once more."

Seirennis, Wandering storyteller. on Bated Breath

Once upon a time, Grand Baronessa Fissa Pelgen took the daughter of the Nehm clan hostage and many thought full scale war would erupt on the Braided Shore.

Arch Councilor Mbaren managed to convince the two families to meet on the neutral island of Bat Saha. In truth, Fissa and the Nehm clan's daughter were lovers and the two of them had orchestrated the kidnapping in an attempt to be together in secret. Upon hearing this, the father of the Nehm claimed that Fissa was lying and was attempting to gain further leverage on his clan.

Councilor Mbaren stepped in to test the validity of Fissa's words. He brought a crowd and draped them in the same veil, a char and sulphur fabric which left only the eyes visible. If Fissa could pick out her beloved from the crowd then that would prove that their love was true. Fissa stepped into the crowd and took one look around before picking out her love without hesitation.

Description of Veil of Bat Saha

A deceptively small fish that can inflate its body when threatened. It's flexible skeleton acts as a defense mechanism and will extend sharp spikes through its inflated state.
The Blowfish is one of the most poisonous animals that inhabit Braided Shore, not through its spikes but through its meat. Preparing the meat to be edible requires a steady hand and much experience. The meat has subsequently become a delicacy among young thrill-seeking nobles, infamously resulting in the death of Grand Baron Kitos Pelgen.
After the death of the nobleman it was made illegal to prepare Blowfish meat without a proper license from the Hand's union.

I travel with guards not only to keep me safe from bandits or creatures from the wild...There is a constant game of hostage-taking being played between the three noble houses. It is an unbloody affair, where captives are treated more as guest than prisoners and soon get traded back. Anything is legal tender in this game; captives, pieces of Master Iron or whatever our haggling stewards agree upon. It also keeps everyone on their toes and forces us to have our wits about us when we venture outside our fortress. This might appear a strange custom to a commoner, but it is maintained to help temper our strength. Should a foreign threat appear, the houses will form a chain and defend the realm as one.

When we wave our fan, we make breezes that like the wind, unsettle and disrupt, making small magics for unseen things

Mystic Advisor to the Noble House of Pelgen, Child's paper fan

I know you don't believe me but I swear I saw her! The Sewer Queen... Limbs unnaturally long and thin, robe in tatters and dripping with sludge, and that mask...

I turned to flee the instant I saw her but I was ambushed by an army of rats at every turn, never seen 'em act like that. It was pure luck that I found an exit when I did, I shudder to think what might've happened had she caught me.

I don't care what you pay me, I wouldn't go down there again for all of Pelgen's Master Iron."

A traumatized Kasa worker on Sewer worker's blanket

If I see another student accidentally break another ancient pottery shard I'm holding you personally accountable. I've purchased this site and its contents, when you destroy something you are destroying my property

Alcha Pelgen, archeological sponsor, Angry knot message

Known Members

Possible Members and Associates

  • Alcha Pelgen, archeological sponsor