House Pelgen Attendant

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House Yehan Attendant.png


The House Pelgen Attendant or can be found in Myrt. They are standing on the shore of the island closest to Myr.



The House Pelgen Attendant is a possible conclusion of the Myrt Tea Auction Quest.


When you speak to the House Pelgen Attendant the first time This is the camp of House Pelgen...I am Dounia, Baronite of Pelgen. Please give your name and how would you like to do business!
When you speak to the House Pelgen Attendant I take it you are not here for the tea, Sehm...At least not to win it by bidding at the auction...You can't be the one who keeps stealing from them either. I would bet that it is one of their own Baronites who is responsible. The Yehans are just too proud to admit it. Of course it could be the Nehms doing as well, perhaps...In fact, I give it a fifty-fifty chance.

If you have the Stolen Tea Sample Pouch in your inventory What have we here. A stolen Yehan Tea pouch! It would be a fine bargaining chip for us to use in the eternal maneuvering game between our houses! How about a quick trade?
If you give them the Stolen Tea Sample Pouch We are much obliged! News of who the thief may be would be better still, but for now...Please accept this as recompense for your service.