Chief Warden Hassam
Enjoy your walk, Khelim! Some of us can't manage a single step!
Chief Warden Hassam sits in the pavilion of the manor belonging to Dakst Barka, the Growers Union Representative, which is to the west of the Myr market. He is there day and night.
- Chief Warden Hassam is a key person in the Draft Report Quest
Chief Warden Hassam values illegal items (equipment and knots with the word bandit, illegal, stolen or gang in the name).
We are under strict orders from Chief Warden Hassam to bring back any illegal goods; contraband, forgeries, gang tokens and the like the bandits may have left behind.
Items that Hassam has been proven to value are:
- Bandit leader's instruction knot
- Bandit's char-imitation armour
- Bandit's mask
- Bone ring of the Jade Foot gang
- Chain gang official shirt
- Chinband of the Cinnobar Salt Gang
- Cutpurse's undercutters
- Field bandit's chestguard
- Hijacker's halfsword
- Hood of the Tax Evader
- Illegal crescent
- Pirate captain's compass
- Pouch of gulf weed
- Signet of the Tombac Toe gang
- Smuggler's soot shirt
- Stolen railroad spike tunic
- Suspiciously grape-tasting cider
Bandit drops that Hassam will not value are items that one collects from bandits, but not explicitly labelled as illegal in some way.
Or some stolen items such as Sik's stolen necklace
For Sale
The Chief Warden stocks trade goods made of cinnabar and white minerals and gems such as marble, alabaster, and talc. The exact items vary, but he will always sell the skill Unyielding Life.
Dialogue conditions | Dialogue |
Speaking with Chief Warden Hassam the first time | You catch me at a disadvantage, Wanderer...I am enjoying councillor Barka's hospitality while I'm recovering from a nasty wound...The damned thing festered and I am now on a strict diet of antiseptic greens and purifying broths...I tell you, my dreams of late have changed from worries about reining in bandits to chargrilled steaks and frothing jugs of cider! I usually perform my duties from the Warden Station in Kasa, but with the Coroners' blockades and all, it seems prudent to enjoy a little time in the countryside...Especially since it is out here that our bandit trouble is causing the most bother at the moment. Say, you look like an adventuresome sort...If you have a mind and an ear to lend me, I would be interested in throwing a proposition your way. Come back and speak to me if you like the sound of that. Ah! To business then. Good! In my current situation I'm in no fit state to go chasing bandits out in the bush. My head is still in the right place though, believe it or not...Meaning I can still work on planning and corresponding with my subordinate wardens...But I could really use your help with some leg-and possibly some blade work. If you recover any illicit, counterfeit or stolen items on your journey or as collateral from taking down bandits, I would like you to bring them to me. I can use such items to register bandit groups, forgers and other law dodgers. You would be giving me invaluable information to help us plan our work to limit the damage criminals cause our law abiding brothers and sisters. There, that's my proposition to you, Khelim! I have access to warden union funds to reimburse you for your troubles, should you judge peace and order not to be its own reward. Godspeed and be careful out there! In the meanwhile, old Teba, the caretaker here, always has some Tea going if you want here...It is Teba I have to thank for enforcing Barka's strict diet on me...Which reminds me that I must devise some suitable pay-back for him once I'm fully restored. He hides it well, but I can read in his trembling dimples how he enjoys tormenting me. Come back soon. I enjoy the change of company! |
If you sell them illegal items | Thank you for bringing these unlawful items to me, Khelim. Have I told you about the Tabac Toe Gang? I have had unconfirmed reports that they sometimes pool their resources with the Cobalt Ribbon Gang...A fact that requires further investigation. The Tabacs are mostly known to rob wayfarers along the Old Road between Myr and Crossings, but they have now been spotted cooperating with local smugglers to resist overseas pirates raiding along the East coast. The Tabacs are known for taking great pride in their viciously sharp blades...And in their eagerness to use them. That these predators of honest folk are involved in fighting pirates that threaten our coastal settlements and Eastern trade routes to Bat Saha and New Foundry makes the issue of stomping them out quite a nuanced affair. Do the Tabac Toe Gang do more harm than good? Something to ponder on your journeys...I look forward to discussing such things with you in the future. Fair winds on your back, Khelim. |