Dakst Barka

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Dakst Barka has not yet appeared in the game. However she is the leader of the Grower's Union. Her family mansion is in Myr and she is aligned with Chief Warden Hassam.

Ever since the disband of the Kasa council, Barka has been campaigning to get a spot. It is hinted that she used to be part of the role, but has been demoted.

As of Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins, Barka is said to visit the South.



"They say Growers' Union leader Dakts Barka is already campaigning to be voted back into the Kasa council."

"Grower's Union leader Barka travels the South, urging calm among members!" -Town Reporters

"As the growers union leader, Dakst Barka does a lot of travelling at the moment... She's informing her union members about the Kasa blockades and the repercussions on union affairs due to the suspension of the council." - Barka House Caretaker


There is no standard farmer's glove - anyone working with their hands should use gloves and farmers are no different.
We farmers will use whatever is on hand. In the west I have seen warm sheepskin gloves, in the North use thick cloth and in the Sourth they have gloves made from rough-spun reeds and layered paper. Just as the soil and climate shapes what we can grow, so does it shape what we wear.
