"Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."
Each item has a Trade Value that tells you its trade worth, not counting things like supply, demand and individual trader's biases. Trading items with NPCs; Acquiring goods at a lower price and offering them at a higher price will most likely be your primary way to acquire wealth. No matter your life path, getting comfortable with bartering should be considered a priority.
Trade Improving Skills
All Skills related to trade are sold by Nightfeather. They include:
Trading with Nightfeather requires the Secrets to Haggling quest.
Trade Improving Items
There are a small number of items that offer a trade multiplier bonus. These come from various sources:
- Foreign merchant's glass ring sold by Night Market Trader at the Night Market
- Magic carpet slippers received from Old Mitra of The Magic Arrows on completion of The Magic Arrows' daily challenges- Meet Mitra's Fowl : West Wind Shores