Teahouse Keeper Mitna

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Initially known as the 'Compassionate Teahouse Owner', Teahouse Keeper Mitna can be found in the Myr Teahouse during the day and night.


Teahouse Keeper Mitna will provide a new traveler with clothing and food, but doing so will cure the Battered and Bruised status.


Using Hagglers Wit

This merchant is craving Cheese.

For Sale

They sell 15 at a time.

Not all of these items appear at once and goes through a rotation.


Mitna owns The Bridgekeeper Tea house. They don't like those in Myrt very much, especially after the Kasa's Incident. At one point they aided the Old Brew Master who was injured, and who eventually became a resident of the Teahouse because of Mitna's kindness.

"How may I serve you, Traveller? I am called Mitna and this far famed establishment is mine..! This Teahouse rests right on the very motherhood of the Tea and spice trade… You won't find a better brew than here..! Well, Unless perhaps, if you stray East across the bridge to Myrt… I would advise against it thought, odd folk the Myrtans… Especially now after the Kasa incident… Seems the gave themselves a self inflicted embargo, Winds know what they're up to, those Myrtans… Anyhow, what and how may I serve you?"

"Welcome back to the Bridgekeeper Wanderer…"