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Skill E Fishing Medium.png

Learnt Skill Description

You have learned how to fish. Standing close to water will enable you to try your fishing luck.

Guide to Fishing

Fishing is a skill associated with catching fish with a fishing rod. Once you acquired a new rod, you'll unlock the Fishing skill, which can be found in your Skill Book. Memorize this skill to add it to your set of abilities.

Once you have equipped your fishing rod and loaded the bait, approach the fishing area. Use your skill card and click on the water. Keep in mind that if your fishing skill is low, it's more probable that fish will escape. The higher your fishing skill, the better your chances of catching valuable fish.

Casting Distance

With the Casting fishing rod, if you are trying to fish further away, a mini-game will appear.
The mini-game screen contains a moving bar that indicates the line's area of ​​effect. The goal of the fishing mini-game is to hit the green area, thus improving the chances of catching fish. If you click on the orange bar, the chances of catching the fish are reduced, and if you miss completely, the fish escapes.

Fishing Spots

The types of fish you can catch depend on the type of water (river, ocean, lake) and part of the world where they occur. Fishing areas are indicated by small fish jumping out of the water and a distinctive sound effect. Outside of fishing areas, you will mostly catch trash. Fishing areas are now stocked with specific fish that deplete as you catch them, but regenerate over time.

Weather & Time

  • Weather affects fishing. When it rains, fishing is faster and more productive.
  • Time of day does not affect the type of fish you can catch.

Fishing rods

Image Name Value Quality Improvements Location
Makeshift fishing rod 34 Poor Buy from Myr Fishmonger in Myr or Visiting Pole fisher at Crossings' Market
Casting fishing rod 472 Great Allows fishing in distant areas Buy from Myr Fishmonger in Myr or Visiting Pole fisher at Crossings' Market
ItemIcon EquipmentFishingRod AlsabRodCalledPride 01 Medium.png
Alsab rod called Pride 472 Exceptional Allows fishing in distant areas Quest reward


To lure fish, it's essential to equip your fishing rod with soil worms. You can acquire these worms from vendors located in Myr, Bat Saha, and Crossings' Market, or from a character named Fisher who sporadically appears near rivers and oceans. Additionally, keep an eye out for worms during your travels, as they often appear as small patches of soil.

To load your rod, simply go to your inventory, select the bait, and drag them into the designated bait slot on your fishing rod. Without bait, you'll only reel in trash rather than fish.

Higher quality bait

Certain small fish increase the chances of catching fish. Fish with this particularity are specified in their description.

See also: Category:Bait
Image Name Value Quality Volume
ItemIcon Edible Fish Bait Shivfish 01 Medium.png
Shiv fish 2 Poor 1
ItemIcon Edible Fish Bait Catsardine 01 Medium.png
Cat's sardine 19 Good 1
ItemIcon Edible Lanternshark 01 Medium.png
Lanternshark 32 Good 1
ItemIcon Edible Fish Bait Tinytombacminnow 01 Medium.png
Tiny tombac minnow 20 Good 0,5
ItemIcon Edible Fish Bait Shinywootsfish 01 Medium.png
Shiny woots fish 17 Good 1
ItemIcon Edible SweetSylla 01 Medium.png
Sweet Sylla 511 Exceptional 1
ItemIcon Edible Fish Bait cedarpink 01 Medium.png
Cedar-pink ayu 402 Exceptional 1

Fishing Map

Spoiler Alert

Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

See also: Category:Fish

Location Exceptional quality Great quality Good quality Poor quality
Alken Rock Coast Five-fingered lurk Fresh Deepwater tunaSpinefin flatfish Char spearsquidFalse carpFresh salmonSouthern snapperUmber Lake koi
Bat Saha Fresh Fumes carpFresh snapper from The Verve CatfishCommon crescent fishFresh salmonSaha crabShiny woots fish
Brim of Abarat Prize-winning halibut Fresh Fumes carpFresh snapper from The VerveStray salmon Common crescent fishFresh salmonShiny woots fish
Charwood Forest Jade-eyed salmonBear toad Common crescent fishCommon koiFrillfaceEsoxRiver PerchTiny tombac minnow Common roachRotten crescent fishShiv fish
Clearing Fresh snapper from The VerveStray salmon Fresh salmon
Crescent Link Prize-winning halibut BlowfishCatfishCommon crescent fishFresh salmonMudskipperShield crabWestern snapper Shiv fish
Harrow Ledge Prize-winning halibut Common crescent fishFalse carpFresh salmonLanternshark Shiv fish
Jade Urn Pavillion Many-eyed gloomfish Smallclaw river Crab
Kasa Prize-winning halibutSweet Sylla Cat's sardineChar spearsquidFalse carpShield crabSouthern snapperUmber Lake koi
Kuro Orchard Stray salmon Cat's sardineCommon koiFalse carpPrayfinRiver PerchTiny tombac minnow Common roachSmallclaw river CrabSmelly sardines
Little Slip Cat's sardineCommon crescent fishCommon koiEsoxFalse carpFrillfaceRiver PerchTwintailed Slipsnake Common roachRotten crescent fishShiv fish
Lakatos String Oarfish BlowfishCommon crescent fishFresh salmonWestern snapper Shiv fish
Mist Keeper's Toe Lucky jadefin fish Common koiFalse carpTiny tombac minnow Common roachSmallclaw river Crab
Myr Stray salmon Cat's sardineCommon crescent fishCommon koiEsoxPrayfinRiver PerchShiny woots fish Common roachRotten crescent fishShiv fishSmallclaw river CrabSmelly sardines
Myrt Fresh Fumes carpFresh snapper from The VerveStray salmon CatfishFresh salmonShiny woots fish
Shipwreck Horned morrahl Common crescent fishFresh salmonFalse carp
Siram Fields Fresh Fumes carp Common crescent fishCommon koi Smelly sardines
Stairwell Olm
The Burnings Common crescent fishCommon koiRiver PerchTiny tombac minnow Common roachRotten crescent fishShiv fishSmallclaw river CrabSmelly sardines
The Jade Urn Lucky jadefin fishMany-eyed gloomfish Common crescent fishFresh salmonOlmTiny tombac minnow Shiv fishSmelly sardines
The Underbelly Paleworm Olm
Travellers' Meadow Cedar-pink ayu Spinefin flatfishStray salmon Common crescent fishFalse carpLanternsharkShiny woots fishShield crabWestern snapper
Western Verve Fresh Fumes carpStray salmon Fresh salmonShiny woots fishUmber Lake koi
Western Harvest Route Fresh snapper from The VerveStray salmon Common koiEsoxFrillfacePrayfinRiver PerchShiny woots fishTiny tombac minnow Common roachSmallclaw river CrabSmelly sardines
West Wind Shores OarfishPrize-winning halibut BlowfishCatfishCommon crescent fishFalse carpFresh salmonLanternsharkRiver PerchShield crabWestern snapper Shiv fishSmallclaw river Crab

Leveling and Value Statistics

Show/Hide Fishing Leveling Statistics

Level Casts For Level Successful Cast Probability Average Fish Value Average Profit Per Cast
1 0 46% 2 2.378462
2 4 52% 16.16667 9.703076
3 12 57% 16.16667 10.37637
4 28 63% 16.16667 11.18432
5 58 69% 46.47059 32.90197
6 106 74% 52.4 39.47823
7 172 80% 52.4 42.46017
8 252 85% 52.4 44.94513
9 340 91% 120.3684 109.7783
10 432 96% 233 223.788
Total 1404

  1. Casts per level are cumulative; for example, it will take 12 casts to get to level 3.
  2. These values are averages. A single player's experience may vary.


The fishing skill used to be learned with a skill manual like any other skill, but is now automatically learned when equipping a fishing rod. The Instruction: Fishing manual is no longer obtainable in the game, but when it was the skill description read as:
Learning from these teachings will enable the student to fish, and as long as you find a lake or a stream, you never need to go hungry.