Duelist Warden

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There is no shame in declining a duel with a superior blademaster

Off-Duty Warden


The Duelist warden is a Duelist. He is also a merchant who will trade some items.


In Myr, beside The Bridgekeeper Teahouse.


For Sale



When you speak to the Duelist Warden for the first time I have teachings to share, Traveller. Should you wish to learn how to fight effectively in armour. I myself am wearing armour at the moment... I invite you to draw against me, that I may prove the value of the teachings I can bestow.
When you speak to the Duelist Warden for the second time Traveller...I invite you to draw against me, that I may prove the value of the teachings I can bestow.

Walk By Dialogue

If you fight a duel with the Duelist Warden and win, you receive the Walk by dialogue I'm impressed, Khelim. Well done.
If you fight a duel with the Duelist Warden and lose, you receive the Walk by dialogue As expected, Khelim...


The Duelist Warden used to say when you won a duel: "You fight surprisingly well, Nomad. I have lost my composure...I must recover it before I am ready for a rematch."