Knotted silver threaded cord

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ItemIcon TradeGood MessageKnot 58 Medium.png

Spoiler Alert

Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.


The Knotted silver threaded cord is a series of knots that has different descriptions under the same name.
There are 9 total knots in this series.


This relates to the Silver threaded Treasure Quest.


Item Descriptions

A single knot adorns this string, spelling out the letter 'N'

A single knot adorns this string, spelling out the letter 'I'

A single knot adorns this string, spelling out the letter 'R'

A single knot adorns this string, spelling out the letter 'G'

A single knot adorns this string, spelling out the letter 'B'

A single knot adorns this string, spelling out the letter 'S'

A single knot adorns this string, spelling out the letter 'U'

A silver lining of advise; one of my number is used twice

When my location you discover, in the full moon, search the tallest 'tower'